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 Asunto: Tsunami Beetle T1 Front Spolier
NotaPublicado: Vie Dic 10, 2004 8:20 am 
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Registrado: Vie Nov 26, 2004 5:27 pm
Mensajes: 3874
Ubicación: Guánica
País: Puerto Rico (pr)
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New Beetle:GLX 1.8T 2000

Tsunami Beetle T1 Front Spolier for Beetle 1998-2005

WEIGHT: 25 lbs

Tsunami designs crest the competition! Performance Techniques debut’s it’s new Tsunami Front Spoiler. Designed especially for Volkswagon owners, our new front spoiler is a direct bolt-on that fits to OEM standards. Installation is a snap, and as with each of our Tsunami products, the New Tsunami Front spoiler passed a rigid series of tests to ensure that they are the finest quality available. If you’re looking for that special touch of detail for your new Beetle, the Tsunami Front Spoiler is the answer.

Add style to your Beetle with this subtle front Urethane Spoiler. Beautifully designed and made to add something new and special to your front end -Out in front…in every way possible! -Top-quality RIM polyurethane (except where noted) with smooth black finish—virtually unbreakable and famous for exceptional fit -Fits perfectly—installation is a snap! Mounting hardware and easy-to-follow instructions included. Shipped separately from factory.


New Beetle 1.8 Turbo GLX 2000 Laser Blue 5spd Hot Wheels Style

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